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DGBell BE-ZK Vacuum Drying Oven

Brand: DGBELL Product code: DGBell BE-ZK

The DGBell BE-ZK vacuum drying chamber is a modern device designed to provide an efficient and precise vacuum drying process. With advanced technology and diverse features, the BE-ZK ensures stable and reliable performance in removing moisture from various samples and materials.

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0936093289 (Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm)

This device not only reduces moisture but also preserves the characteristics of samples without altering their structure or quality. Integrated with sensors and smart controls, the BE-ZK allows users to easily monitor and adjust the drying process to ensure optimal results.

Crafted with high-quality materials and leading manufacturing technology, the DGBell BE-ZK vacuum drying chamber is a reliable choice for research, manufacturing, and quality testing applications across various fields.


Vacuum Drying Oven Application

DGBell’s Vacuum Drying Oven is designed for drying powder, curing, sterilizing and many other applications which sensitive to heat and pressure. It provides an elevated temperature range from RT+10°C to 200°C when reducing environmental pressure.


Performance parameters

Contact Gpower Vietnam for more detailed information about DGBell's vacuum drying ovens and our warranty and maintenance services.

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